Kings Temptation wins at Fontwell
Having had a run of seconditus it was great to get a winner with Kings Temptation at Fontwell on Thursday evening. Kings Temptation enjoys the summer ground and would prefer to race right handed but he seems to enjoy Fontwell having won there before. He was given a great front running ride by Kielan Woods and won well in spite of Kielan losing his irons at the last fence!
Kings Temptation and Kielan Woods
It was great to welcome Croco Bay, our Cheltenham Festival winner, back after his well deserved holiday in Norfolk, he has summered well and we look forward to him running again this season.
Croco arriving home
Most of the horses are now back in work with just a couple of youngsters still to arrive and we are looking forward to the winter season ahead.
On the ground gallop
Dash of Blue & Danny Hannig leading