Stoner's Choice wins bringing an end to the Season
It was great to finish this season off with a winner with our final runner of the 2018/2019 season. Stoner’s Choice won the second division of the bumper at Warwick in great style under Max Kendrick, having finished 2nd on debut at Market Rasen. It looked a pretty competitive race and he is a lovely prospect to go novice hurdling with next season.
Stoner’s Choice wins Div 2 of the bumper at Warwick
All in all it has been a good season with 14 winners on the board, 18 2nds (frustrating!) 16 3rds, 11 4ths with at total of £187,691 won in prize money, our largest total to date. The highlight of the season is of course Croco Bay winning the Johnny Henderson Grand Annual at the Cheltenham Festival which is certainly a day we will never forget, he is currently on his way to Punchestown ready to run on Thursday so fingers crossed.
Croco Bay winning at Cheltenham
Croco Bay, Kielan Woods and Danny Hannig
Happy connections
A big thank you to our fantastic team at home for putting in the hard work and of course to our amazing owners who make it all possible. Here’s to plenty more winners next season.